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Closed joint-stock company "Pinskdrev" is the oldest enterprise of the city of Pinsk and of the whole woodworking branch of the Republic of Belarus and in 2005 celebrates 125 years.
In 1880 on its present headquarters enterprise place austro-hungarian capitalists brothers Lourie for the first time had been constructed the factory on manufacture of shoe pins, plywood and plywood boxes. Then were constructed Pinsk match factory (1892) and Gorodische plywood factory (1930). In 1959 as a result of their association had been formed the plywood-match combine which basic products were plywood, matches and in small amounts — the elementary furniture. 12 years later (1971) on the base of Pinsk plywood-match combine was created industrial woodworking association "Pinskdrev". Its structure included shops of upholstered and school furniture. During that period in conditions of administrative-command economy, centralized distribution and constantly growing deficit of the goods the enterprise did not have any problems of products distribution and there was no sharp necessity to conduct competitive struggle for recognition of the products and also for high loyalty of consumers. Nevertheless then the work on creation and promotion of trade mark "Pinskdrev" began to conduct.

In conditions of reorganization of the enterprise the question on creation of the firm name of the company was solved by analogy to others woodworking enterprises ("Gomeldrev", "Vitebsdrev" and so on).
In the same way passed the process of development of the original image which underlain the trade mark. On September 17, 1971 the State Patent department of Republic of Belarus at Council of Ministers of Republic of Belarus has registered commodity first trade mark "Pinskdrev" in the State register.
This trade mark has been executed on historical associations – "Pinskdrev" began with manufacture of matches.
With time this trade mark has lost the urgency as by 1995 the structure of association included 16 branches, and matches as a kind of manufactured products have gone on the second plan and have conceded the advanced positions to plywood and furniture.
Therefore it was offered to make changes to a trade mark.
And on August, 25, 1997 the new trade mark was created.
This image have started to use actively on labels, accompanying advertising production and so on.
This trade mark is used at the enterprise till actual time and one can say with confidence that it is quite recognized by buyers and also possesses the certain level of loyalty of consumers.
Thus, corporate brand "Pinskdrev" has been created and today it is used as the firm name of the enterprise and marks all spectrum of products by its name.
Now "Pinskdrev" occupies its unique, true at present, position — strengthening of corporate brand through prompt escalating of volumes and assortment.
And it successfully turns out, as today in structure of Closed joint-stock company "Pinskdrev" operates 27 branches.
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Added: 2008-08-20   Displayed times: 17905
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